

  • BRI refers to a Chinese global infrastructure development strategy
  • Adopted in 2013
  • Plan to invest in nearly 70 countries and international organizations
  • Xi Jinping announced the strategy as “Silk Road Economic Belt” during a visit to Kazakhstan in 2013
  • How significant is BRI ?
    • more than 68 countries
    • 65% of world’s population
    • the regions 40% of lobal GDP
  • What is meant by Belt ?
    • It refers to the land and railway routes
    • It is also called Silk Road Economic Belt
  • What is meant by Road ?
    • It refers to the sea lanes of communication 
    • It is a short form of modern Maritime Silk Road
  • What are the type of investments ?
    • Ports
    • Skyscrapers
    • Railway Lines
    • Roads
    • Airports
    • Dams
    • Tunnels
  • By when will the Project be completed ?
    • China has set a target of 2049 as project completion date to mark the centennial anniversary of People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    • Its total cost is estimated at USD 4–8 trillion
  • How useful is the BRI ?
    • As per World Pensions Council (WPC), Asia will need USD 900 bn worth of infrastructure of investments over the next decade to stay with the infrastructure requirements
  • What are the traditional routes which inspire the BRI Project ?
    • Ancient routes connecting China to western countries
    • Routes taken by Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo
    • Ming Dynasty maritime routes
    • Ancinet Silk Road
      • Originated during westward expansion of China’s Han Dynasty
      • 206 BCE–220 CE
  • How many countries are covered under BRI ?
    • Around 146 countries spread across all continents:
      • 43 countries are in Sub-Saharan Africa
      • 34 BRI countries are in Europe & Central Asia (including 18 countries of the European Union (EU) that are part of the BRI)
      • 25 BRI countries are in East Asia & pacific
      • 20 BRI countries are in Latin America & Caribbean
      • 18 BRI countries in Middle East & North Africa
      • 6 countries are in South East Asia
  • BRI carries both economic and Geopolitical goals
  • It will help China with opening of new trade markets and develop new investment opportunities
  • It will boost exports and manufacturing
  • China wants to Renmibi to emerge as the currency of choice in international transactions
  • Infrastructure growth in Asia
  • Reduce US dependency
How will BRI be Financed? What institutions are involved ?
  • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
    • It began operations in 2016
    • It is a development bank dedicated to lending for infrastructure projects.
    • It is to have an authorized capital of $100 billion
    • China with 26.63% voting rights is the largest stakeholder
  • Silk Road Fund
    • Itis a state-owned investment fund of the Chinese government to foster increased investment in countries along the One Belt, One Road
    • Its total value is around USD 40 bn
    • The purpose of this fund is to invest in businesses and not lend money for Projects
Debt Trap Diplomacy
  • Debt-trap diplomacy is a term in international finance which describes a creditor country or institution extending debt to a borrowing nation partially, or solely, to increase the lender’s political leverage.
  • It is said that China is using this policy
  • Why is China being accused of Debt Trap Diplomacy?
    • 60% of lending comes from Chinese banks
    • The loans are being extended to developing countries with not so clear and open terms
    • Considerable number of loans have collaterals such as rights to a port or mining rights etc
    • These can eventually lead to extraction of economic or political concessions from the debtor countries
What are various projects under BRI ?
  • Belt and Road is a massive infrastructure project with multiple corridors spanning 60 nations
  • Land Corridors
    1. New Eurasian Land Bridge
      • It connects Western China with Western Russia 
      • Passes via Kazakhstan
      • It includes Silk Road Railway that passes via
        • Xinjiang Autonomous Region
        • Kazakhstan
        • Russia
        • Belarus
        • Poland
        • Germany
    2. Northern China through Mongolia to the Russian Far East
    3. China–Central Asia–West Asia Corridor : China to Turkey
    4. China–Indo china Peninsula Corridor : China to Singapore
    5. China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) : China to Gwadar Port Pakistan
  • Maritime Routes (Silk Road) 
    • Marine routes link china with
      • Jakarta
      • Singapore and Kuala Lumpur through Strait of Malacca
      • Sri Lankan Colombo
      • Malé
      • East African Mombasa
      • Djibouti
      • Suez Canal 
      • Haifa, Istanbul and Athens
      • Upper Adriatic Sea
      • Italian Trieste
      • Rail connections to Central Europe and North Sea
  • Ice Silk Road
    • The Polar Silk Road refers to Arctic shipping routes connecting three major economic centers – North America, East Asia, and Western Europe – through the Arctic Circle
  • Super Grid
    • It refers to the development of 6 ultra high voltage electrical grids across China, north-east Asia, Southeast Asia, south Asia, central Asia and west Asia.
  • Political instability in many countries like Syria, Sudan etc
  • Lack of Transparency
  • Threat of Debt Trap Diplomacy
  • Ecological issues
    • Emissions from power station being built as part of BRI
    • Land and water pollution due to infrastructure projects 
    • High usage of fossil fuels in the projects
    • Increased shipping will affect marine life
    • As per WWF over 1,700 critical biodiversity spots and 265 threatened species will be adversely affected by the BRI.
    •  BRI could potentially introduce more than 800 alien invasive species
  • Human Rights Voilation
    • Issue of forced labor
    • Contract labor
    • Xinjiang has a history of rebellion and resistance to Chinese rule
Recognition to BRI
  • Most of the affected countries have expressed support for the BRI owing to the infrastructure development that is to come with it
  • Around 130 countries have endorsed the BRI including Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Philippines
  • United States
    • has proposed a counter-initiative called the “Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy” (FOIP)
  • India objects BRI due to
    • Threat of Debt Traps
    • India objects the CPEC passing via POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir)
    • Lack of transparency and consultation
    • India is also concerned with
      • China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC)
      • Nepal-China Trans-Himalayan Multi-dimensional Connectivity Network
  • Australia, Japan and France have Rejected BRI
  • US, Japan and Australia formed the
    • Blue Dot Network in 2019
    • Build Back Better World initiative in 2021
  • Indian response should be based on its long-term economic and geopolitical interests
  • India should focus on trade and transport infrastructure development like ports, railways and airports. Projects like Sagarmala are a step in that direction
  • India should also engage with BRI countries in Asia and Asia Pacific individually establishing trade pacts
  • India should work on increasing manufacturing and increase exports
  • Indian should strenthen its Naval presence in the Indian Ocean
  • Indian Ocean Rim Organisation can be used more effectively
  • India should not let itself get isolated whether it approves of BRI or not
  • BRI can help increase China India Cooperation in many new areas
  • India needs to integrate with the growing Asian Market. BRI can bring economic benefits.
  • India should facilitate trade, investment and business engagement with countries like Bangladesh, Vietnam and Indonesia

Sumit Teotia
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