
BIMSTEC :History and Way Forward


  • BIMSTEC : Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
  • Members : Countries in littoral and adjacent areas of Bay of Bengal
  • 7 members
    • Bangladesh
    • Bhutan
    • India
    • Nepal
    • Sri Lanka
    • Myanmar
    • Thailand
  • BIMSTEC connects
    • 5 South Asian nations with 2 Southeast Asian nations
    • areas of Himalayas to Bay of Bengal

Short History

  • 1997
    • Bangkok Declaration estabished BIMSTEC
    • Initially
      • 4 members
      • BIST-EC
        • Bangladesh
        • India
        • Sri-Lanka
        • Thailand Economic Cooperation)
  • 1997
    • BIMSTEC renamed to ‘BIMST-EC’ as Myanmar joined
  • 2004
    • Nepal , Bhutan joined
    • name changed to ‘Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation’ (BIMSTEC)


  • Rapid economic development of the regions.
  • Establish quality and partnership.
  • Collaboration and assistance in areas of common interests
  • Collaboration and support partners in areas of education, science, and technology

7 Principles

  1. Sovereign Equality
  2. Territorial Integrity
  3. Political Independence
  4. Non-interference in Internal Affairs
  5. Peaceful Co-existence
  6. Mutual Benefit
  7. To not be a substitute for bilateral, regional or multilateral cooperation

Scope & Future Potential

  • The organization has potential for intra-regional cooperation between SAARC and ASEAN 
  • It represents 1.5 billion people, which is 22% of global population
  • Its combined GDP is around 2.7 trillion
  • Bay of Bengal witnesses one fourth of annual Word Trade
  • Joint connnectivity Projects:
    • Kaladan Multimodal Project –India and Myanmar
    • Asian Trilateral Highway – India and Thailand through Myanmar
    • Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) Motor Vehicles Agreement – seamless flow of passenger and cargo traffic


  • The body helps India to pursue 3 core policies:
    • Neighborhood First
    • Act East
    • Economic development of India’s northeastern states – by linking to BOB via Bangladesh , Myanmar
  • It acts a potential counter to China’s influence in the region
  • Platform to engage neighbors especially when SAARC is not working as smoothly as desired

Principle areas of Cooperation

  • Trade and Investment
  • Technology
  • Energy
  • Transportation and Communication
  • Tourism
  • Fisheries
  • Agriculture
  • Cultural Cooperation
  • Environment and Disaster Management
  • Public Health
  • People-to-People Contact
  • Poverty Alleviation
  • Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime
  • Climate Change

Important Bodies & Mechnaisms

  • BIMSTEC Summit
    • highest policymaking body
    • meets every two year
    • heads of governments participate
  • Ministerial Meeting
    • second apex policy-making forum
    • meets every year
    • Foreign Ministers of governments participate
  • Senior Officials’ Meeting
    • Senior Officials of Foreign Ministries of respective governments participate
  • BIMSTEC Working Group
    • Ambassadors of Member Countries to Bangladesh or representatives participate
    • Meets on a monthly basis
    • Office – BIMSTEC Secretariat at Dhaka
  • Business Forum & Economic Forum
    • The Forum engages private sector participation

Challenges for BIMSTEC

  • Irregular Summits
  • Low priority among member states
  • Too many focus areas:
  • Bilateral disputes and Issues between Members: 
    • Bangladesh – refugee crisis – Rohingyas from Myanmar
    • Border conflict b/w Myanmar and Thailand
  • No Free Trade Agreement

Way Forward

  • Member states need to build on the regional synergies
  • BIMSTEC region has a rich history of maritime commerce, this common history should be underlined for enhanced cooperation
  • Resource cooperation including resources like electricity connectivity can help boost ccoperation
  • Regular annual summits should be held
  • The group should have a collective vision for major issues like climate change, security and maritime security
  • A free trade agreement can be worked upon
Sumit Teotia
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