
Climatology Notes

Part 1 : Earth's Atmosphere

1.1 Earth Fundamentals

1. Introduction - Basics | Longitudes & Latitudes
2. Earth Motion - Rotation & Revolution

1.2 Earth Atmosphere & Weather Events

4. Earth Temperature Distribution & Heat Budget
5. Temperature Variation with altitude : Concept of Adiabatic Lapse Rate
6. Pressure Belts & Seasonal Variations
7. Wind Direction & Deflection | Factors affecting wind velocity & direction
8. Types of Winds : Planetary, Periodic & Local winds
9. Jet Streams
10. Polar Vortex
11. Sudden Stratospheric Warming
12. Air Mass : Concept & Types
13. Atmospheric Fronts : Concept & Types | Warm, Cold, Stationary & Occluded
14. Humidity
15. Condensation 1: Concept & various forms
16. Condensation 2: Cloud formation & types
17. Precipitation : Concept & various forms | Rainfall and its types
18. Lightening
19. Thunderstorms & Tornados
20. Tropical Cyclones 1 : Concepts & Formation
21. Tropical Cyclones 2 : Cyclones in Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal | Naming Conventions
22. Temperate Cyclones : Concepts & Formation
23. Temperate Cyclones vs Tropical Cyclones
24. ENSO : El Nino, La Nina
25. IOD : Indian Ocean Dipole

Part 2 : Koppen's Classification of Earth's Climate

2.1 World Climatic Zones

1. Koppen's Classification
2. Tropical Evergreen Climate | Rainforest Climate
3. Monsoon Climate
4. Tropical Wet Dry Climate | Savanna Climate
5. Desert Climate
6. Temperate Grassland Climate | Steppe Climate
7. Mediterranean Climate
8. China Type Climate
9. British Type Climate
10. Taiga Climate
11. Laurentian Climate
12. Tundra Climate
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