

Mountbatten Plan Background

  • Lord Mountbatten
    • had came to India as last Viceroy
    • he was assigned the task of speedy power transfer by PM Clement Atlee
    • May 1947-> Mountbatten came up with a plan under which he proposed that
      • provinces be declared independent successor states
      • and then they be allowed to choose whether to join the constituent assembly or not. 
      • this plan was also called ‘Dickie Bird Plan’
    • Jawaharlal Nehru
      • opposed the plan fearing balkanisation of country
      • Hence, this plan was also called Plan Balkan
  • Hence Mountbatten came up with another plan called June 3 Plan
    • this was last plan for Indian independence
    • called Mountbatten Plan
  • June 3 Plan
    • It included principles of partition, autonomy, sovereignty to both nations
    • It gave the right to make own constitution
    • Princely States such as Jammu and Kashmir were given a choice to either join India or Pakistan
    • Plan was accepted by both the Congress and Muslim League.
    • Congress also accepted the inevitability of partition
    • This plan was put into action by Indian Independence Act 1947 – passed in – British Parliament – received royal assent – 18 July 1947

Provisions of Mountbatten Plan

  1. British India was to be partitioned into 2 dominions – India and Pakistan.
  2. Constitution framed by Constituent Assembly would not be applicable to Muslim-majority areas (as these would become Pakistan)
  3. Question of separate constituent assembly for Muslim-majority areas would be decided by these provinces
  4. Legislative assemblies of Bengal and Punjab met and voted for partition
    • it was thus decided to partition these two provinces along religious lines.
  5. The legislative assembly of Sind would decide whether to join the Indian constituent assembly or not. It later decided to go to Pakistan.
  6. A referendum was to be held on NWFP (North-Western Frontier Province) to decide which dominion to join. NWFP decided to join Pakistan.
  7. The date for the transfer of power was to be August 15, 1947
  8. To fix international boundaries between the two countries, Boundary Commission was established chaired by Sir Cyril Radcliffe. The commission was to demarcate Bengal and Punjab into the two new countries.
  9. The princely states were given the choice to either remain independent or accede to India or Pakistan. The British suzerainty over these kingdoms was terminated.
  10. The British monarch would no longer use the title ‘Emperor of India’.
  11. After dominions were created, the British Parliament could not enact any law in the territories of the new dominions.
  12. Until the time the new constitutions came into existence, the Governor-General would assent any law passed by the constituent assemblies of the dominions in His Majesty’s name. The Governor-General was made a constitutional head
  13. On the midnight of 14th and 15th August 1947, the dominions of Pakistan and India respectively came into existence. Lord Mountbatten was appointed the first Governor-General of independent India and M .A. Jinnah became the Governor-General of Pakistan


  • Feb 20 1947 Atlee Declaration
    • By British PM Clement Atlee
    • It said -> British rule would end by June 30 1948
  • Muslim League
    • Protested
    • Demanded Partition
  • June 3 1947
    • British Govt Clarifies – constitution by Constituent Asembly of India 1946 – cannot apply to those parts which were unwilling to accept it
  • June 3 1947
    • Partition Plan
    • By Viceroy – Lord Mountbatten
    • Called Mountabatten Plan
    • Accepted by Congress & Muslim League
    • Immediate effect was given to plan by enacting – Indian Independence Act of 1947

Important Points

1. Ended British Rule
  • Aug 15 1947
  • India became independent & sovereign
2.Provided for Partition
  • 2 independent dominions –> India & Pak
  • Both had right to secede from –> British Commonwealth
  • Boundaries Commission
    • The boundaries between the two dominions were to be determined by a Boundary Commission headed by Sir Cyril Radcliff.
    • It provided for partition of Punjab & Bengal and separate boundary commissions for each.
    • Pakistan was to comprise of
      • West Punjab
      • East Bengal
      • Territories of Sind
      • North West Frontier Provinces
      • Syllhat divisions of Assam
      • Bhawalpur, Khairpur
      • Baluchistan and 8 other princely states of Baluchistan
3.Abolished Viceroy Office
  • Each dominion to have –> Governor General
  • Governor General
    • Appointed by British King
    • On advice of Dominion Cabinet
  • British Govt –> to have no responsibility of Government of India and Pakistan
4. Empowered Constituent Assembly of Both Dominions to
  • Frame & Adopt any constitution & repeal any previous Act or Independence Act itself
  • To legislate for their respective territories till new constitution is drafted & enforced
  • No Law of British Par to extend over both dominions Post – Aug 15 1947, unless extended by law – by dominion legislature
5. Abolished Office of Secretary of State for India
  • Functions transferred to Secretary of state for Commanwealth affairs
6. Proclaimed Lapse of British Paramountacy over Indian Princely States

  • Authority of British Crown over princely states ceased and they were free to join either India or Pakistan or remain independent
  • Authority over Treaty Relations also ended with Tribals in Aug 14 1947
7. Granted Princely States the Freedom to
  • Join Dominion of India
  • Join Dominion of Pak
  • Remain independent
8. Until new constitution Dominions & Provinces Governed Govt Of India Act 1935
  • But dominions could chnage it.
9. Right to Veto Bill and Reserve for his approval was taken away from British Monarch and it was reserved for Governor General
10. Designated Governor General of India & Provincial Governors
  • Both dominions were to have Governor Generals appointed by British King.
  • The act also provided for common Governor general if both of them agreed
  • Any modification or omission in Act could be done by the Governor General
11. Dropped Title of Emperor of India from Royal Titles of King of England
12. Members of Civil services
  • no more to be appointed by Secretary of State for India
  • reserved posts were abolished
  • members appointed before Aug 15 1947 to continue
  • First Governor General of New Dominion of India –> Lord Moutbatten
  • Mountbatten swore first PM –> JN Nehru
  • Interim Govt
    • 1946
    • Members were –> members of Viceroys executive council
    • Viceroy continued as –> Head of council
    • J Nehru –> Vice President of Council


  • The act carries great constitutional significance
  • PM Attlee had described it as “the fulfilment of the British mission” in India
  • Lord Samuel described the Act as “a treaty of peace without war”.
  • Act marked beginning of a new era of free India but a sizeable population of people and leaders were unhappy with this.
Sumit Teotia

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