- Revolt of 1857 convinced the crown to take over Indian administration directly
- British PM Palmerstone introduced – Bill in 1858 – for transfer of Government of India to to Crown – but that was not passed as he resigned
- Later Lord Stanley introduced another bill – titled “An Act for Better Government of India” – which was passed on August 2, 1858
Why Important
- India was now to be governed directly & in name of crown
- All powers were transferred to crown with respect to Government, Territories and Revenues
- Created a Council of India
- Abolished rule of East India Company(EIC)
- Abolished Court of Directors (COD)
- Abolished Board of Control BOC)
- Abolished Dual Government
- Principle of Doctrine of Lapse was withdrawn
- Liberty was given to Indian rulers subject to British suzerainty
- Opened some door for Indians in Government services
Imp Point
- India to be governed by & in name of – Her Majesty
- Governor General of India
- now called -> Viceroy of India
- to directly report to -> British crown
- 1st Viceroy – Lord Canning
- He was responsible for admin of India
- Viceroy -> made responsible to Secretary of State for India
- Viceroy -> Direct representative of British Crown
- Note : The Secretary of State for India was a cabinet minister in the British Government while his agent in India was the Governor General in India. Thus, Governor General worked as a representative of the British Government much like today’s governors work as representatives of the President of India.
- Ended system of Double Govt & Abolished BOC , COD
- New office – Secretary of State for India
- Task -> Overlook Indian Administration
- Member of British cabinet
- Ultimate responsibility to British Parliament
- Became channel for all communications between Britain and India
- Act provided – Crown will govern India directly through a Secretary of State for India, who was to exercise the powers which were being enjoyed by the Court of Directors and Board of control.
- The office of secretary of state was vested with complete authority and control over Indian administration, thus he was now the political head of the India
- Lord Stanley -> first Secretary of state for India
- Earlier he was President of Board of Control
- Council of India for Secretary of State
- Act established a Council of India for Secretary of State
- It was called -> Indian Council
- Its job was to assist secretary of state
- It was a Advisory Body
- It was a body Corporate capable of being sued & suing in India & England
- Composition
- Chairman –> Secretary of State for India
- 15 members
- 7 – elected by COD
- 8 – appointed by Crown
- More than half members
- must have lived in India for 10 years
- must not have left the country more than ten years before the date of appointment
- Secretary of State of India
- Presided Indian Council
- had right to vote
- also had a casting vote
- was empowered to send and receive secret messages and dispatches from Governor General and was not bound to communicate these to the Indian Council
- Centralization
- Act estblished control of British Parliament over Indian affairs
- British MPs -> could ask questions from Secretary of State – with respect to Indian administration
- Right of appointment to important offices in India was also vested either in crown or in secretary of state of India-in-Council
- Crown was empowered to appoint a Governor-General and the Governors of the Presidencies
- Administration was now -> highly centralized
- Act had provision for creation of Indian Civil Service under -> control of Secretary of State
- Act estblished control of British Parliament over Indian affairs
Analysis: GOI Act 1858
- The Government of India Act 1858 was a formal than substantial change. It did not alter in any substantial way the system of government. The British Crown had already gained major control over Company affairs
- The British administrators, including Governor-General, already used to follow instructions of British cabinet with its Indian Minister (President of board of Control) and through them to British Parliament.
- Earlier acts and statutes, had already reduced influence of East India Company to a great extent
Fact Box: Secretary of State for India & Burma – The first Secretary of state was Lord Stanley, who prior to 1858, served as President of BOC – Secretary of State was the political head of India – Government of India Act 1935 provided a new Burma Office, in preparation for establishment of Burma as a separate colony, but the same Secretary of State headed both Departments and was styled the Secretary of State for India and Burma. – The first secretary of state for India and Burma was Lord Dundas. The India Office of the Secretary of State for India and Burma came to an end in 1947, and now the Secretary of state of India and Burma was left to be Secretary of Burma – Viscount Ennismore was the first and last Secretary of Burma, as Burma got independence in 1948 |